Kharad Natural Wool Rug

Kharad Natural Wool Rug


Made entirely by hand on a portable loom, this rug is at once a nod towards history and traditional techniques, while being more than at home in a contemporary and modern setting. 

The wool used in making the rug is not dyed - the black, white and grey are the natural sheep wool colours. Made without the use of electricity. Now you can't get more sustainable than that!

Entirely unique, this rug is almost the last one of it's kind. 



93cm Width x 176 Length


Only 1 available
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Gujarat sustainable weavers


Dayabhai and his son are from the Kutch region of Gujarat. In the village of Kuran, these two men use age-old methods to create beautiful and sophisticated rugs – all on a loom that is extremely simple and portable and can be set up anywhere.This weaving technique is on the verge of extinction, with only a handful of weavers able to make them. Dayabhai and his son are one of the last families still practicing kharad weaving, and they would like to keep this tradition alive.